Autocracy at the helm: Orbán’s dangerous agenda for the EU The Left

As the EU braces for Hungary’s takeover of the rotating presidency of the Council on July 1st, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is positioning himself to further advance his extremist agenda.

The Hungarian government’s priorities for the Council include stemming migration and proposing “innovative solutions for asylum rules.” However, there is no room for “innovation” or tinkering when it comes to fundamental rights. The right to asylum is enshrined in international law. End of story. 

But Orbán has shown nothing but disdain for the concept of law, whether national or international. Hungary will become the first-ever Council presidency subject to the EU’s Article 7 procedure and rule of law-related budget conditionality measures. The European Court of Justice recently fined Hungary €200 million for violating EU asylum laws. Hungary will incur an additional €1 million per day if it fails to comply. Orbán has undermined democratic institutions in Hungary and will try to do the same throughout Europe from his new position. His government has attacked judicial and media independence and allowed rampant corruption, making this presidency a clear and present threat to democracy across Europe.

“Make Europe Great Again” is their Trumpian copycat slogan. But Fortress Europe will never be great. True greatness lies in solidarity, in being a safe haven for those fleeing war and persecution. Europe showed this greatness when it welcomed Ukrainian refugees escaping Putin’s war of aggression. It must not bow down to those who want to return us to the worst of this continent’s past.

The Left has repeatedly highlighted serious democratic problems in Hungary and urged EU institutions to take action to bring the Hungarian government back on a democratic track. Europe must finally face down Orban’s autocratic regime and move on to the bigger problems it faces.

As prices skyrocket, the cost of living crisis is now unbearable for millions. According to Eurostat, in 2023, 94.6 million people in the EU were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, nearly a quarter of the population. The risk of poverty or social exclusion in the EU stands at 11.3% for those in work. Orban’s far-right has no interest in seriously tackling these problems. Indeed, these problems help them fuel the flames of hatred even more.

Their vision for Europe is one of discrimination and double standards, where skin colour matters more than international law, and human rights are systematically violated, particularly against minorities. This vision starkly contradicts the EU’s professed core values and undermines its global stance on human rights. 

The Left will fiercely oppose all attacks on working people, migrants’ rights, and the rule of law. We will stand against Orbán’s destructive agenda and fight for a Europe that embodies the true spirit of greatness: solidarity, democracy, and equality.

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