In the name of the supposed “Israel’s right to self-defence” and with the blatant complicity of the European Union, over 13,000 children in Gaza have been murdered. In contrast, countless others remain missing or severely injured. According to a UN report published last week, 44 percent of the victims were children.
Beyond the numbers, these children have families and have names. Protesting in the European Parliament, Left MEPs keep on denouncing the ongoing genocide of Palestinians, showing the list of the 13,000 names of children killed by Netanyahu’s army and that their right-wing colleagues refuse to acknowledge.
This humanitarian catastrophe taking place in front of the world’s eyes, with mass starvation, relentless bombings, and clear violations of international law— is primarily met with silence.
Now, more than ever, we cannot remain silent. It is our duty to stand for Palestinians and demand an end to this devastation, wherever we are and whatever we do.